A Final Goodbye to a Beloved Companion
Today, my dog passed away in the afternoon, aged 9 years. Watching it go, the cremation was peaceful, and gathering its belongings felt like I never had a pet at all. Death truly is like a drop of water disappearing into the sea.
As night fell and everything quieted down, it was hard to bear. Nine years ago, you entered my life in early summer, we faced work challenges together, witnessed the birth of my child, everyone said you were a gentle and good-natured dog, but from the start, you went through so much.
You were stolen when you were little, escaped from a dog chain, got hit by a car, and injured your leg. Right after you got your second rabies shot, you caught rabies. The vet said you only had a 1/3 chance of surviving. But you were strong and beat the odds, continuing to be by my side.
Thank you for your companionship. In the last few hours of your suffering, I could only stay with you, just like I did for those nine years, staying by your side.
Thank you.
In this life, our paths end here. In your next life, don’t be a dog. You’re too quiet, too understanding, too easy to deceive. I won’t raise another dog again, won’t find another dog to accompany me like you did. Even if I do, it would only be a shadow of you.